Your dreams are worth the fight

People often want to accomplish their goals, but they’re not prepared to confront the obstacles in the road. What is worst is that the majority of them are not even ready to try, just because they’re scared of those difficulties.

Should I try? No, the only possibility is that I will end up giving up because I’m not strong enough.

No, it’s too hard; I better not even look in that direction.

Those are some of the thoughts we usually refuge in with the purpose of having an excuse to fail, but let me tell you something… You’re lying to yourself. The thing is that you will NEVER accomplish your goals if you don’t fight for them.

Yes, you’re going to fail. Yes, there are going to be obstacles. Yes, there’ll be days when you will want to throw it all away and go back to your normal life.

HOWEVER, you should have in mind that all that process will come to and end, and at the finish line, you’ll realize that everything you went through was worth it.

Why? Because your dreams are worth the fight!

Hope you enjoyed this post. If you did, feel free to like, or comment your opinion! Oh… and follow if you want!

Remember, if you need anything, I’m here to help you.


Till next post…. Stay inspired!

-Random girl

4 thoughts on “Your dreams are worth the fight

  1. I remember what my mentor once told me: “Life gives us the best opportunities after such time we learn from our mistakes.”
    This post is really inspiring. I hope more people can read this. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks again, David!
      That’s the main purpose of my post; give people the opportunity of identifying themselves with people who have pass by the same or similar situation. For example, right now I’m searching for that motivation, and I hope to find it somewhere… and hopefully my readers will find theirs on my posts.

      Stay inspired!
      Random girl

      Liked by 1 person

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